Designed for Industry

Our Clients work inside of ‘Time Specific’ Industries, such as IT, Accounting and Legals. From Office to Exec, EMS is the Number 1 Training System for Workers from Leading Industries around the World.

EMS Dunedin

Client Specific Training

We know that life seems to get busier every day, and that most people can’t even consider joining a Gym and Working Out.

That’s where EMS is the Game Changer.

My Thought.

Giving My Clients the Gift of Time, Time to have with their Whanau, Time to spend doing the things they want to do, all while reaching their Goals. . . I do kinda feel like Santa sometimes, without climbing down a chimney.

Make your Goal Christmas.

This Christmas, why not make it, at that Christmas Dinner, You’re Going to Look Amazing.

We give ‘ALL’ of Our Clients that same Gift, Every Christmas.

Make Your Goal

Truly, It can be a Party, a Reunion, or even a Date, but make it a Goal, and I can make that Goal Happen.


It’s True, I Gift you a Free Lesson and if you Book, If You want, You can bring a Friend for Free.

Give them a Great Christmas too.

Book Now

Cancellation policy
No cancellations or changes allowed within 3 hours of the appointment. If you cancel your session with less than 24hrs notice and we are unable to fill your appointment slot with another client you will be required to pay 50% of the session fee. If you do not turn up for your session and do not advise the trainer prior to the session then you will be required to pay the full cost of that session.