


The stimulation effect on all the muscle groups in the body causes them to be directly “switched on”. The impulses are applied directly to the surface of the skin and are transmitted throughout the muscle. The frequency, amplitude and shape of the stimulation can vary which muscle fibres are stimulated and to what degree.


An EMS workout uses up to 500 muscles, compared to a two-hour strength training session at the gym, which uses no more than 100 muscles.


EMS training activates in the higher band width activates the fast twitch fibres as soon as you start exercising, a feat normally achieved only at the end of very intense weight training exercises.


In the lower band width the slow twitch fibres are activated with far more efficiency than regular weight training which is why EMS is such a time efficient  way of toning your muscles and providing all the other benefits of resistance training without the load on your joints.

Whatever your goal...


Whole body EMS will stimulate all the muscles so they firm and tone.


At the higher frequencies and wider amplitude EMS will stimulate the larger fast twitch fibres across the whole muscle.

Now is the Time !
This title relates to the Icon

An EMS workout uses up to 500 muscles,

finding the design of icon

An important advantage of direct influence is the bypassing of external "noise".

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Etiam ipsum ligula, molestie at mauris ac, tincidunt dictum elit.

Ticks all the right boxes

compared to a two-hour strength training session at the gym, which uses no more than 100 muscles

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Cancellation policy
No cancellations or changes allowed within 3 hours of the appointment. If you cancel your session with less than 24hrs notice and we are unable to fill your appointment slot with another client you will be required to pay 50% of the session fee. If you do not turn up for your session and do not advise the trainer prior to the session then you will be required to pay the full cost of that session.